
Recommendations for Safeguarding Children from EMF Exposure

Modern children start using mobile phones at a very early age. It is more than likely, they will go on using them having grown-up. Therefore, cumulative electromagnetic exposure impacting them will be significantly higher for them, then for modern grown-ups.

On the whole, child organisms are more sensitive to EMF than adult organisms. When evaluating EMF hazard rate for child organism, it is necessary to take into account: anatomic-physiological peculiarities of child organism; electric rate conduction of child brain tissues which is higher than that of adult brain; smaller head size, thinner cranial bones, and thus less distance from the radiating device to brain basal and cerebral structure.

By present day, Russian applicable regulation of EMF impact is stricter than in EU and North American countries, although it was significantly scaled down within the last decades. In accordance with Soviet Sanitarian Rules (SN #848-70 from 30.03.1970) energy flux density could not exceed 1 µW/cm2 for civilian population. Children under age of 18 were prohibited to use high frequency radiating devices at all.

In 2003, the maximum allowable radiation level was increased to 100 µW/cm2 (Sanitary Regulations and Norms 2.1.8/ Restriction for high frequency radiating devices (cell phones, smartphones etc.) usage by children under age of 18 became recommendatory, not obligatory. In the EU and the USA, cell phone radiation impact is assessed by SAR level. In the EU maximal SAR cannot exceed 2 W/kg, and in the USA it cannot exceed 1.6 W/kg which in both cases is less strict than Russian norms.

Nevertheless, even as per RF Hygienic Regulations and Norms children are impacted by conditions which are classified as HAZARDOUS on an everyday basis. In 2015, almost 80% of children under the age of 18 used PCs and cell phones over 4 years per day. EMF-FREE usage will allow children to use PC and cell phone within 1 (one) hour per day without any harm to their health.